Support and technical follow-up in the agri-food industry

We have created Agrovertis to support and train you to carry out the best possible agri-food projects. Whether you are a farmer, an industrial, or a restaurant owner, or if you have any food-related project, we put our know-how and our 25+ years of experience at the service of your activity: kitchen structure, cooking, and preservation techniques, food safety, hygienic and quality standards and controls, administrative support, technical and structural support, feasibility studies…

accompagnement projet agroalimentaire

Agrovertis can support you from A to Z

connaissance production agroalimentaire

A transversal knowledge of production

The manufacture of quality food products that are healthy and good for consumers requires control of both the manufacturing process and the sanitary and environmental quality of the production. Cécile and Damien have a transversal knowledge of production and a deep knowledge of the biochemistry of foodstuffs and the physicochemical changes that occur during the transformations linked to the development of your products.

produire et conserver les aliments

Producing and preserving

Heat treatments, salting, fermentation, smoking… all these ancestral preservation techniques, which are the basis of our food and therefore of food production, can be optimized to make your products sublime and to ensure that your consumers receive reliable and good quality products.
Agrovertis assists you in your process improvement projects, manufacturing process changes, and quality improvement or certification procedures.

réflexion et démarrage activité agroalimentaire

From reflection to start-up

Agrovertis is at your side: the creation of on-farm processing workshops (fresh or dried pasta, fruit and vegetables in coulis, soup, ice cream, spreads, ready-to-use, etc.), vegetable factory, cutting and transformation of meat, ready meals, central kitchens, etc.
Whether you are a small or medium-sized business, a catering professional, or a farmer, Agrovertis adapts its support to your needs by listening to you and providing you with personalized and adjusted advice.

Would you also like to receive training or support to make your agri-food project a success?

illustration consultants agroalimentaire

Agrovertis Training Organization

By training you, Agrovertis wants to enable you to understand what happens to the product in all the processing stages that you carry out: understanding the physicochemical transformations of foodstuffs and controlling the microbiological risks that can corrupt the final product.

Our training courses are all prepared to be adapted to your company and the needs of your employees. In hygiene and HACCP, processing techniques (cooking at the right temperature, sterilization, smoking, etc.), workshop set-up, crisis management, do not hesitate to contact us to set up the training course that will enable you to develop your business.

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